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[Thee I confess, my God, my Guide]

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, &c. —iii. 6.

Thee I confess, my God, my Guide,
Throughout my various course below;
Thou hast my countless wants supplied,
Redeem'd me from my stronger foe;
Preserved in twice ten thousand snares,
And number'd all my precious hairs.
A favourite child of Providence,
Thy charge I from my birth have been;
Thine arms were my secure defence,
Thy goodness held me back from sin:
And all my life was plann'd above
By wisdom pure, and heavenly love.
In every state, in every turn
Of life, Thy ruling hand I see:
A sinful man, to trouble born,
I own the trouble came from Thee:


My Saviour, to this present hour
I recognise Thy guardian power.
Thee I adore, my sovereign Lord,
Disposer of this passive clay,
Who by Thy never-failing word
Hast promised to direct my way;
And lo! I on Thy word depend
To bless me with a peaceful end.
The weary steps that still remain,
Cheerful I take, by Thee upheld,
Walk in the works Thou dost ordain,
Obedient to Thy will reveal'd,
And mark, in each minute event,
Thy wisdom's aim, Thy love's intent.
Keeping my heavenly Guide in view,
I calmly pass the vale of woe;
With steady faith the prize pursue,
Assured Thou wilt not let me go,
But through the paths of righteousness
Conduct me to that glorious place.