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Sept. 8-14
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Sept. 8-14

John comes up today for Sue. They are off early Monday. It is a mightly feeble little visit from Sue; I wish she had been satisfied to stay longer. Oh, if I only had Sis with me now. I'm very poorly again but I must not notice. She gets Jabe's box off. Monday evening little Sis comes in very unexpectly; tells me she looks for Jabe tomorrow and his orders are that I'm to be at Rugby ready to see him as he may not stay but a day or so. I'm poorly and expect the Doctor but somehow I manage to get off from the old folks by promising to go myself to see Dr. Leitch. Find a happy party at sister Betty's and all glad to see me. Jabe comes next day and is very poorly. He is confined to his room and a part of the time to his bed. We feel so uneasy about him, so fearful of fever but by Saturday decide it is nothing worse then chills and fever. I don't enjoy seeing him sick but am glad to have him with us on almost any terms. He is not himself when sick and it is most impossible to get a word out of him. We have a gay time; lots of soldiers and they play the violin so nicely. All belong to the 11th Mississippi Brigade. Two Mr. Fasts and Mr. Dorgood I get best acquainted with. Wonder if we will ever meet again. Get a letter from Jimmy Lewis, Charlotte and a note from Sue enclosing a scrap of General [G. P. T.] Beauregard's pants. Miss Rose sent it. A note from home telling me Daddy has been very poorly again ....[Write letters.]