University of Virginia Library

Epistle IV. To Calvina.

by the Same. [Mr. Henley.]


On a Debt forgiven to her Father.

HAD your Father been indebted to one, or a Number more, than to me, you might perhaps in reason doubt whether you could come at an Inheritance, which even a Man found very uneasy to disencumber. But since I, on the single Tye to Affinity, to be my self the single Creditor, have discharged the rest, that were more Troublesome and Watchful: and since, during his Life, I made you a Present of a Hundred-Thousand Sesterces for your Portion on Marriage, over and above the Sum promised by your Father, out of Mine (for it was payable out of my Right.) This affords you a convincing Proof of my Kindness: in Confidence of which, you are bound in Duty to make good the Credit and Honour of the deceased. That I may perswade you to it, not meerly by Words, but solid Arguments, I present you with a Release of his Due to me. You have no Foundation to apprehend that this Free Gift will be inconvenient to my self, for tho' my Fortunes are moderate, my Figure in Life expensive, my


Income, from the Condition of my Estate, as uncertain, as it is Inconsiderable; yet, what is defective in my Revenue, is repair'd by Oeconomy, which indeed is the source of my Generosity to others. It is true, it ought to be so manag'd as not to be drain'd by an extravagant Profusion; but this Management should take Place in others: as to you, I shall give my self an easy Account, however it may pass its common Limits.