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An Historical Tragedy

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Scene opens and discovers the Council.
Enter Osman and Aphendina to them, and seat themselves.
My Lords! a critical Affair of State,
Demands in Council your united Voices:
My Janizaries are a restless Corps,
Strongly addicted to rebellious Principles;
Full prone to Mutiny; soon roused to Action;
Expressive Tokens of a Set of Cowards,


And they behaved as such i'th'Polish War.
Their Tongues licentious, with Invectives fraught,
Against my Throne and Ministry dispence,
Their venom'd Treasons publickly abroad.
—Pernicious Donatives on each new Reign,
Make Changes acceptable: These by Design
Defenders of the State; Destroyers rather!
On ev'ry Sultan's Death turn Plunderers,
Spoil the Imperial City, and escape,
By joyning to proclaim the Successor;
In Brief, no Law can curb their Villainies,
Nor's any Crime too gross for their Commission.
These Motives urge me to dissolve their Order;
Unwilling in a Matter so momentous,
Rashly, to act without your sage Advice:
My Queen! what say you? let me have your Thoughts.

I would reserve myself for after hearing.

Most gracious Sov'reign! all you've urg'd is just;
But Dangers insurmountable attend it:
The Soldiers know their Pow'r, will abuse it
On the most slight Suggestions to their Damage;
Unless th'Imperial City was remov'd,


Grand Cairo or Damascus claim Preheminence,
(If so resolv'd) before all other Cities;
In one of these, your Highness might at Pleasure,
Exterminate these Enemies of Princes;
The People's Voice, would second the Transaction,
Who hate the Janizaries as their Foes.

T'is well, we've had your Sentiments, retire;
This Thought will do, 'tis worthy of my Vizier.

[Exit all but Sultan and Aphendina, who rise.
My Lord! I think with Horror to reflect,
On the Resolve your Highness is pursuing:
Are not the Soldiers Masters of the City?
Have they not ris'n against their own Commanders?
Expell'd 'em hence, and like an headless Corps,
Are ripe for ev'ry mischievous Impression.
Then suffer me t'intreat your Majesty,
Make sure the Janizaries, cajole that Corps,
Never engage with them in open Rupture:
I tremble but to think, this Day's Debate
Should reach their Ears; for good, my Lord, what is there
You've not to fear, from their rude Insolence?
Your Crown, your Life itself, may fall before 'em,
And Death alone bring Ease to Aphendina.


Fear not, my lovely Spouse! I have a Project
Ris'n in my Breast, shall baffle ev'ry Danger:
—A Pilgrimage to Mecca will secure us,
And closely cover my design'd Retreat:
Yes, that shall do, and instant Preparations
Shall be commenc'd to prosecute my Will.
[Re-enter Vizier.
Vizier! I'm fixt upon a Tour to Mecca;
Dispatch my Equipage; my Uncle Mustapha,
And all my Brothers, shall attend me thither:
Give necessary Orders to the Court.

I will, my Lord.

Thus far for publick Notice; a Word privately—
[Taking him aside.
Give Orders for twelve Gallies to be fitted,
Ship all my Treasure and rich Furniture;
Make known, I take them with me to prepare,
A nobler Off'ring at the Prophet's Shrine;
When all is ready, I'm prepar'd to move:
Then privately send Notice to Grand Cairo,
For all the Asiatic Troops to meet me:


Commit it to a trusty Ichoglan,
With instant Orders to pursue his Journey:
Attend on me again, when this is done.


A Courier.