University of Virginia Library



The many years of Nature ever bring
Fresh wants and only frailer weakness,
But spiritual stages laugh and sing;
The older then the younger is the wing,
That fashions might from abject meekness.
And every day is New Year's Day, that draws
A greater mastery over loves and laws.
In my sick-chamber, as the body grows
Feebler, the force of earth's green planet
To me from hidden fountains alway flows;
A wind from heaven upon me breathes, and blows
My spirit on since time began it.
And, as my Saviour's footstep passeth by,
I feel poured in me full eternity.
Beneath the dead leaves lie the summer shoots,
And beats the Spring's new glory under
Apparent death that holds in life its roots;
I see behind corruption precious fruits,
Each grave in new birth breaks asunder.
The promise of an overwhelming power
Thrills through the flesh, that opens like a flower.