University of Virginia Library



Lot dwelled in the cities of the plain, and pitched his tent towards Sodom.”—Gen. xiii. 12.

Looking (away) unto Jesus.”—Heb. xii. 2.

Sodom has many a tempting toy
That lures with idle jest or joy,
But there Thy Face I cannot see;
And though the passions of the flesh
While crucified rise up afresh,
I pitch my little tent towards Thee.
O Father, in this narrow nook
Of lowly life I upward look,
Where Thou my shelter still must be;
And if the world is very bright,
I cannot mark it for Thy light
And pitch my little tent towards Thee.
I know and could forget it not,
The suffering of Thy servant Lot
Who thought of pastures fair and free;
I dare not go near Sodom's walls
Nor hear from far its Siren calls,
And pitch my little tent towards Thee.
Be Thou my City and my Home,
My fortress tower, my Temple dome,
My living Well, my shadowing Tree;
And I a passing pilgrim, then
Without the clogging ties of men,
Will pitch my little tent towards Thee.