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Thank God I am a Briton.

Though Nelson's name hath fled
Like a dirge, along the deep,
Where the old heroic dead
In their ocean glory sleep!
Is the Lion-flag of England's triumph o'er?—
No!—where'er oppression raves,
Still that Flag the battle braves;—
And Britannia rules the waves
As of yore!


For Freedom long she bled
And her treasure widely cast;
'Till Slavery bowed its head
As her victor pennant passed:—
And the chains of Afric fell at her decree!
While the shout of millions broke
From Oppression's shatter'd yoke,
As Britannia bravely spoke—
Ye are free!
Now “Hearts of Oak” may tell
Of the Flag of England's fame;—
When fort and bastion fell
'Neath her battle-bolts of flame!—
And Acre's vaunted walls were overthrown.
Still for glory—not for gain—
Doth her Flag triumphant reign,
And the empire of the main
Is her own!