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Memoir and remains of the Rev. James D. Burns

... By the late Rev. James Hamilton [i.e. J. D. Burns]

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No more on earth wilt thou behold the face
Which love once lighted with a tender glow;
No more be folded in the fond embrace,
The fondest and the purest earth can know.
'Twas but a few short years thy childhood knew—
What life can know but once—a mother's care,
To train for heaven thy nature as it grew,
And shield it from the world's ungenial air.
Ah! many an anxious thought was hers for thee,
Many a strong prayer went up to mercy's throne,
In hallow'd moments when she bent the knee,
And her meek spirit spoke to God alone.
Those lips are silent now, those prayers are o'er,
Cold lies the loving heart beneath the sod;
But her bright memory lives for evermore
To light the path that leads her child to God.


True to the dear example she bequeath'd
To Him thy young affections upward send;
Be this the first fond wish thy spirit breathes,
To make her God thy guide, her soul thy friend.
Christ's dying eye upon His mother fell,
He from His cross to Mary gave a home;
Thy mother now doth with the Saviour dwell,
And from the throne He bids thee also come.
Once for her sake an earthly home was dear,
Oh, think that in a fairer home than this
Her spirit waits, after brief parting here,
To welcome thee to never-ending bliss.