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Poems by James Hyslop

... With a Sketch of his Life, and Notes on his Poems, By the Rev. Peter Mearns

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XXXII. Crawick Glen.


Crawick Glen.

Oh! sair's my heart, nae man shall ken,
When I took leave o' yonder glen,
Its faithfu' dames, its honest men,
Its streams sae pure and glassy O;
Its woods that skirt the verdant vale,
Its balmy breeze, sae saft and hale;
She's the flower o' every flower the wale,
My blithesome bonnie lassie O.
The nichts were short, the day was lang,
As aye we sat Craw'ck's birks amang,
Till o'er our heads the blackbird sang,—
Go part wi' that dear lassie O;
Till o'er yon lofty tops sae green
The rising sunbeams saft were seen,
Wi' aching heart I left my Ann,
My blithesome bonnie lassie O.
Her air is graceful as the pine;
Her smile the sunshine after rain;
Her nature cheerful, frank, and kind;
And neither proud nor saucy O.
The fairest blossom on the tree
Was ne'er so fair nor meek as she;
Nor aught was e'er so sweet to me
As a kiss frae that dear lassie O.
Where'er I go, where'er I be,
Craw'ck glen shall aye be dear to me;
Its woody banks and holms to see,
Its braes sae green and grassy O.
'Tis there my hopes are centred a',
'Twas there my heart was stolen awa',
'Twas there my Annie first I saw—
My blithesome bonnie lassie O.