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The Descent into Hell

Second Edition, Revised and Re-arranged, with an Analysis and Notes: To which are added, Uriel, a Fragment and Three Odes. By John A. Heraud

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Hosanna! Sun of Righteousness!..for she
Is radiant with thy glory, in all ages,
Among all people. Mutability
Rolls underneath her feet; to Seers and Sages,
Hast thou appeared in vision and in dream,
Whereof bear record their prophetick pages,
Who in all Forms and Symbols told the theme,
To those whose hearts within them, like their own,
Glowed and expanded, with the truth supreme.
Truth dwells sublime, immutable, alone;—
One..manifold..entire: but Souls embrute
Bow to the Image meant to make her known.



Earth hath of thee had glimpses, shaped to suit
The contemplative Spirit, suffering
From occultation of the Absolute,
The shadow of the spiritual thing
That, passing, veils the Truth. Let it pass on!
Shine forth, O Sun! the universal King,
Intelligible God. Thy stedfast Throne
For ever is, immovable, and Earth
Light from thine aspect borrows, and, anon,
In constant revolution, giveth birth
To darkness, not forsaken; for the Moon
And Stars reflect thy glory faintly forth,
In Night, most holy Night, in whose high Noon
Majestick Heaven itself alone reveals
To Faith,..a starry spell,..a visible tune,..
Until thy Reappearing opes the seals
Of the mysterious Tome, and supersedes
Their borrowed Lights,..their spirit-motived wheels.
Yet are they Gods!—how happy he who reads
Their office rightly;—Oracles Earth hears
In visionary slumber, hears and heeds;
The Deities of Darkness, on the spheres
Enthroned; Angels of Night, whose choral gleams
Echo the Word unto the Worlds He cheers.