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Countess Freberg' s dressing-room. Enter the Countess dispirited and out of humour, and throws herself into a chair: enter, by the opposite side, Theresa.
Madam, I am afraid you are unwell:
What is the matter? does your head ache?

'Tis not my head: concern thyself no more
With what concerns not thee.

Go you abroad to-night?

Yes, thinkest thou I'll stay and fret at home?

Then please to say what you would choose to wear:—
One of your newest robes?

I hate them all.

Surely that purple scarf became you well,
With all those wreaths of richly-hanging flowers.
Did I not overhear them say, last night,
As from the crowded ball-room ladies pass'd,
How gay and handsome, in her costly dress,
The Countess Freberg look'd?

Didst thou o'erhear it?

I did, and more than this.

Well, all are not so greatly prejudic'd;
All do not think me like a May-day queen,
Which peasants deck in sport.

And who said this?

(putting her handkerchief to her eyes).
E'en my good lord, Theresa.

He said it but in jest. He loves you well.

I know as well as thou he loves me well.
But what of that! he takes in me no pride:
Elsewhere his praise and admiration go,
And Jane De Monfort is not mortal woman.

The wondrous character this lady bears
For worth and excellence: from early youth
The friend and mother of her younger sisters,
Now greatly married, as I have been told,
From her most prudent care, may well excuse
The admiration of so good a man
As my good master is. And then, dear madam,
I must confess, when I myself did hear
How she was come through the rough winter's storm,
To seek and comfort an unhappy brother,
My heart beat kindly to her.

Ay, ay, there is a charm in this I find:
But wherefore may she not have come as well
Through wintry storms to seek a lover too?

No, madam, no, I could not think of this.

That would reduce her in your eyes, mayhap,
To woman's level.—Now I see my vengeance!
I'll tell it round that she is hither come,
Under pretence of finding out De Monfort,
To meet with Rezenvelt. When Freberg hears it,
'Twill help, I ween, to break this magic charm.

And say what is not, madam?

How canst thou know that I shall say what is not?
'Tis like enough I shall but speak the truth.

Ah, no! there is—

Well, hold thy foolish tongue.
[Freberg's voice is heard without. After hesitating.
I will not see him now.

[Enter Freberg by the opposite side, passing on hastily.
Pardon, my lord; I fear you are in haste.
Yet must I crave that you will give to me
The books my lady mention'd to you: she
Has charg'd me to remind you.

I'm in haste.

[Passing on.
Pray you, my lord: your countess wants them much:
The Lady Jane De Monfort ask'd them of her.

(returning instantly).
Are they for her? I knew not this before.
I will, then, search them out immediately.
There is nought good or precious in my keeping,
That is not dearly honour'd by her use.

My lord, what would your gentle countess say,
If she o'erheard her own request neglected,
Until supported by a name more potent?

Thinkst thou she is a fool, my good Theresa,
Vainly to please herself with childish thoughts
Of matching what is matchless—Jane De Monfort?
Thinkst thou she is a fool, and cannot see,


That love and admiration often thrive
Though far apart?

[Re-enter lady with great violence.
I am a fool, not to have seen full well,
That thy best pleasure in o'er-rating so
This lofty stranger, is to humble me,
And cast a dark'ning shadow o'er my head.
Ay, wherefore dost thou stare upon me thus?
Art thou asham'd that I have thus surpris'd thee?
Well mayst thou be so!

True; thou rightly sayst.
Well may I be asham'd: not for the praise
Which I have ever openly bestow'd
On Monfort's noble sister; but that thus,
Like a poor mean and jealous listener,
She should be found, who is Count Freberg's wife.

Oh, I am lost and ruin'd! hated, scorn'd!

[Pretending to faint.
Alas, I have been too rough!
[Taking her hand and kissing it tenderly.
My gentle love! my own, my only love!
See, she revives again. How art thou, love?
Support her to her chamber, good Theresa.
I'll sit and watch by her. I've been too rough.

[Exeunt; lady supported by Freb. and Ther.

This scene has been very much altered from what it was in the former editions of this play, and scene fifth of the last act will be found to be almost entirely changed. These alterations, though of no great importance, are, I hope, upon the whole, improvements.


De Monfort discovered sitting by a table reading. After a little time he lays down his book, and continues in a thoughtful posture Enter to him Jane De Monfort.
Thanks, gentle brother.—
[Pointing to the book.
Thy willing mind has rightly been employ'd:
Did not thy heart warm at the fair display
Of peace and concord and forgiving love?

De Mon.
I know resentment may to love be turn'd,
Though keen and lasting, into love as strong:
And fiercest rivals in th' ensanguin'd field
Have cast their brandish'd weapons to the ground,
Joining their mailed breasts in close embrace,
With gen'rous impulse fir'd. I know right well
The darkest, fellest wrongs have been forgiven
Seventy times o'er from blessed heav'nly love:
I've heard of things like these; I've heard and wept.
But what is this to me?

All, all, my brother!
It bids thee too that noble precept learn,
To love thine enemy.

De Mon.
Th' uplifted stroke that would a wretch destroy,
Gorg'd with my richest spoil, stain'd with my blood,
I would arrest, and cry, “Hold! hold! have mercy.”
But when the man most adverse to my nature,
Who e'en from childhood hath, with rude malevolence,
Withheld the fair respect all paid beside,
Turning my very praise into derision,
Who galls and presses me where'er I go,
Would claim the gen'rous feelings of my heart,
Nature herself doth lift her voice aloud,
And cry, “It is impossible!”

(shaking her head).
Ah, Monfort, Monfort!

De Mon.
I can forgive th' envenom'd reptile's sting,
But hate his loathsome self.

And canst thou do no more for love of heaven?

De Mon.
Alas! I cannot now so school my mind
As holy men have taught, nor search it truly:
But this, my Jane, I'll do for love of thee;
And more it is than crowns could win me to,
Or any power but thine. I'll see the man.
Th' indignant risings of abhorrent nature;
The stern contraction of my scowling brows,
That like the plant whose closing leaves do shrink
At hostile touch, still knit at his approach;
The crooked curving lip, by instinct taught,
In imitation of disgustful things,
To pout and swell, I strictly will repress;
And meet him with a tamed countenance,
E'en as a townsman, who would live at peace,
And pay him the respect his station claims.
I'll crave his pardon too for all offence
My dark and wayward temper may have done.
Nay more, I will confess myself his debtor
For the forbearance I have curs'd so oft:
Life spar'd by him, more horrid than the grave
With all its dark corruption! This I'll do.
Will it suffice thee? More than this I cannot.

No more than this do I require of thee
In outward act, though in thy heart, my friend,
I hop'd a better change, and yet will hope.
I told thee Freberg had propos'd a meeting.

De Mon.
I know it well.

And Rezenvelt consents.
He meets you here; so far he shows respect.

De Mon.
Well, let it be; the sooner past the better.

I'm glad to hear you say so, for, in truth,
He has propos'd for it an early hour.
'Tis almost near his time; I came to tell you.

De Mon.
What, comes he here so soon? shame on his speed!
It is not decent thus to rush upon me.
He loves the secret pleasure he will feel
To see me thus subdued.

O say not so! he comes with heart sincere.

De Mon.
Could we not meet elsewhere? from home—i' the fields,
Where other men—must I alone receive him?
Where is your agent, Freberg, and his friends,
That I must meet him here?
[Walks up and down, very much disturbed.
Now! didst thou say?—how goes the hour?—e'en now!
I would some other friend were first arriv'd.


See, to thy wish come Freberg and his dame.

De Mon.
His lady too! why comes he not alone?
Must all the world upon our meeting stare?

Enter Count Freberg and his Countess.
A happy morrow to my noble marquis,
And his most noble sister!

Gen'rous Freberg,
Your face, methinks, forebodes a happy morn,
Open and cheerful. What of Rezenvelt?

I left him at his home, prepar'd to follow:
He'll soon appear. (To De Monfort.)
And now, my worthy friend,

Give me your hand; this happy change delights me.

[De Monfort gives him his hand coldly, and they walk to the bottom of the stage together, in earnest discourse, whilst Jane and the Countess remain in the front.
My dearest madam, will you pardon me?
I know Count Freberg's bus'ness with De Monfort,
And had a strong desire to visit you,
So much I wish the honour of your friendship;
For he retains no secret from mine ear.

Knowing your prudence—you are welcome, madam;
So shall Count Freberg's lady ever be.

[De Monfort and Freberg returning towards the front of the stage, still engaged in discourse.
He is indeed a man, within whose breast
Firm rectitude and honour hold their seat,
Though unadorned with that dignity
Which were their fittest garb. Now, on my life!
I know no truer heart than Rezenvelt.

De Mon.
Well, Freberg, well, there needs not all this pains
To garnish out his worth: let it suffice;
I am resolv'd I will respect the man,
As his fair station and repute demand.
Methinks I see not at your jolly feasts
The youthful knight, who sang so pleasantly.

A pleasant circumstance detains him hence;
Pleasant to those who love high gen'rous deeds
Above the middle pitch of common minds;
And, though I have been sworn to secrecy,
Yet must I tell it thee.
This knight is near akin to Rezenvelt,
To whom an old relation, short while dead,
A good estate bequeathed, some leagues distant.
But Rezenvelt, now rich in fortune's store,
Disdain'd the sordid love of further gain,
And gen'rously the rich bequest resign'd
To this young man, blood of the same degree
To the deceas'd, and low in fortune's gifts,
Who is from hence to take possession of it:
Was it not nobly done?

De Mon.
'Twas right and honourable.
This morning is oppressive, warm, and heavy:
There hangs a foggy closeness in the air;
Dost thou not feel it?

O no! to think upon a gen'rous deed
Expands my soul, and makes me lightly breathe.

De Mon.
Who gives the feast to-night? His name escapes me.
You say I am invited.

Old Count Waterlan.
In honour of your townsman's gen'rous gift,
He spreads the board.

De Mon.
He is too old to revel with the gay.

But not too old is he to honour virtue.
I shall partake of it with open soul;
For, on my honest faith, of living men
I know not one, for talents, honour, worth,
That I should rank superior to Rezenvelt.

De Mon.
How virtuous he hath been in three short days!

Nay, longer, marquis; but my friendship rests
Upon the good report of other men,
And that has told me much.
[De Monfort aside, going some steps hastily from Freberg, and rending his cloak with agitation as he goes.
Would he were come! by heav'n I would he were!
This fool besets me so.
[Suddenly correcting himself, and joining the ladies, who have retired to the bottom of the stage, he speaks to Countess Freberg with affected cheerfulness.
The sprightly dames of Amberg rise by times,
Untarnish'd with the vigils of the night.

Praise us not rashly, 'tis not always so.

De Mon.
He does not rashly praise who praises you;
For he were dull indeed—

[Stopping short, as if he heard something.
How dull indeed?

De Mon.
I should have said—It has escap'd me now—

[Listening again, as if he heard something.
(to De Mon.)
What, hear you aught?

De Mon.
'Tis nothing.

(to De Mon.)
Nay, do not let me lose it so, my lord.
Some fair one has bewitch'd your memory,
And robs me of the half-form'd compliment.

Half-utter'd praise is to the curious mind
As to the eye half-veiled beauty is,
More precious than the whole. Pray pardon him.
Some one approaches.

No, no, it is a servant who ascends;
He will not come so soon.

De Mon.
(off his guard).
'Tis Rezenvelt: I heard his well-known foot,
From the first staircase, mounting step by step.


How quick an ear thou hast for distant sound!
I heard him not.

[De Monfort looks embarrassed, and is silent.
Enter Rezenvelt.
[De Monfort, recovering himself, goes up to receive Rezenvelt, who meets him with a cheerful countenance.
De Mon.
(to Rez)
I am, my lord, beholden to you greatly.
This ready visit makes me much your debtor.

Then may such debts between us, noble marquis,
Be oft incurr'd, and often paid again!
(To Jane.)
Madam, I am devoted to your service,
And ev'ry wish of yours commands my will.
(To Countess.)
Lady, good morning. (To Freb.)
Well, my gentle friend,

You see I have not linger'd long behind.

No, thou art sooner than I look'd for thee.

A willing heart adds feather to the heel,
And makes the clown a winged Mercury.

De Mon.
Then let me say, that, with a grateful mind,
I do receive these tokens of good will;
And must regret, that, in my wayward moods,
I have too oft forgot the due regard
Your rank and talents claim.

No, no, De Monfort,
You have but rightly curb'd a wanton spirit,
Which makes me too neglectful of respect.
Let us be friends, and think of this no more.

Ay, let it rest with the departed shades
Of things which are no more; whilst lovely concord,
Follow'd by friendship sweet, and firm esteem,
Your future days enrich. O heavenly friendship!
Thou dost exalt the sluggish souls of men,
By thee conjoin'd, to great and glorious deeds;
As two dark clouds, when mix'd in middle air,
With vivid lightnings flash, and roar sublime.
Talk not of what is past, but future love.

De Mon.
(with dignity).
No, Freberg, no, it must not. (To Rezenvelt.)
No, my lord,

I will not offer you an hand of concord,
And poorly hide the motives which constrain me.
I would that, not alone, these present friends,
But ev'ry soul in Amberg were assembled,
That I, before them all, might here declare
I owe my spared life to your forbearance.
(Holding out his hand.)
Take this from one who boasts no feeling warmth,
But never will deceive.

[Jane smiles upon De Monfort with great approbation, and Rezenvelt runs up to him with open arms.
Away with hands! I'll have thee to my breast.
Thou art, upon my faith, a noble spirit!

De Mon.
(shrinking back from him).
Nay, if you please, I am not so prepar'd—
My nature is of temperature too cold—
I pray you pardon me
(Jane's countenance changes).
But take this hand, the token of respect;
The token of a will inclin'd to concord;
The token of a mind, that bears within
A sense impressive of the debt it owes you:
And cursed be its power, unnerv'd its strength,
If e'er again it shall be lifted up
To do you any harm!

Well, be it so, De Monfort, I'm contented;
I'll take thy hand, since I can have no more.
I take of worthy men whate'er they give.
Their heart I gladly take, if not their hand;
If that too is withheld, a courteous word,
Or the civility of placid looks:
And, if e'en these are too great favours deem'd,
'Faith, I can set me down contentedly
With plain and homely greeting, or “God save ye!”

De Mon.
(aside, starting away from him some paces).
By the good light, he makes a jest of it!

[Jane seems greatly distressed, and Freberg endeavours to cheer her.
(to Jane).
Cheer up, my noble friend; all will go well;
For friendship is no plant of hasty growth.
Though rooted in esteem's deep soil, the slow
And gradual culture of kind intercourse
Must bring it to perfection.
(To the Countess.)
My love, the morning, now, is far advane'd;
Our friends elsewhere expect us; take your leave.

(to Jane).
Farewell, dear madam, till the evening hour.

(to De Mon.)
Good day, De Monfort.
(To Jane.)
Most devoutly yours.

(to Freb.)
Go not too fast, for I will follow you. [Exeunt Freberg and his lady.
(To Jane.)

The Lady Jane is yet a stranger here:
She might, perhaps, in this your ancient city
Find somewhat worth her notice.

I thank you, marquis, I am much engag'd;
I go not out to-day.

Then fare ye well! I see I cannot now
Be the proud man who shall escort you forth,
And show to all the world my proudest boast,
The notice and respect of Jane de Monfort.

De Mon.
(aside impatiently).
He says farewell, and goes not!

(to Rez.).
You do me honour.

Madam, adieu! (To Jane.)
Good morning, noble marquis.

[Jane and De Monfort look expressively to one another, without speaking, and then exeunt severally.