University of Virginia Library



But shouldst thou waver, when the awful hour
Of pleasure tempteth with a demon's power,
And time and circumstance together seem
To dazzle nature with too bright a dream,—
Let home and virtue, what thou wert and art,
A mother's feeling, and a father's heart,
Full on thy mem'ry rise with blended charm,
And all the serpent in thy soul disarm!
For who shall say, when first temptations win
A yielded mind to some enchanting sin!
With future crime, that once appeared too black
For life to wander o'er its hell-ward track,
May lead the heart to some tremendous doom,
Whose midnight hovers round an early tomb?
Let Home be vision'd, where thy budding days
Their beauty opened on a parent's gaze:
For there, what memories of thee abound!—
Your chamber echoes with its wonted sound;
The flower you reared, a sister's nursing hand
Still fondly guards, and helps each leaf expand;
The page you pondered with delighted brow
Was ever dear,—but, oh! far dearer now;


The walk you loved with her sweet smile to share,
She oft repeats, and paints your image there;
And when a glory hath arrayed the sky,
Her fancy revels in your fav'rite dye;
While oft at evening, when domestic bloom
Hath flung a freshness round a social room,
When hearts unfold, and music's wingéd note
Can waft a feeling wheresoe'er it float,
Some chord is touch'd whose melodies awake
The pang of fondness for a brother's sake;
And eyes are conscious, as they gaze around
Where looks are falling, there a son was found!
Let home begird thee like a guardian dream,
And time will wander an unsullied stream,
Whose wildest motion is the rippled play
Of rapid moments as they roll away.—
Meanwhile, delightful studies, deep and strong,
To graduate honours waft thy soul along:
They come at length, and high in listed fame
A college hails, a country reads thy name;
And in that list when first thy name appears,
What triumph sparkles in those happy tears!
In after life, when Oxford's ancient towers
Thy mem'ry visions in creative hours,
Or college friends a college scene restore,
Thy heart will banquet on the bliss of yore!