University of Virginia Library


God bless the Sovereign of His choice,
Who governs by His will,
Speak words of wisdom through her voice,
Her heart with greatness fill;
May she but in His reign rejoice,
And be His Servant still.
God bless the Queen.


God bless the Sovereign He has blest,
Who holds His earthly place;
Give her from every evil rest,
To rule His favoured race;
That she may guide our country best,
Encompassed by His grace.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign, whom He set
High on our ancient throne,
Strong with the faith no troubles fret,
With love as corner stone;
And may it gather glory yet,
That shines from His alone.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign of His hand,
His heavenly Law to teach,
Which is the charter of our land,
Within the humblest reach;
To guard and counsel and command,
As He would govern each.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign tried and true,
Who serves as woman must;
Who for her people holds the due,
Received from Him as trust;
Who hath no shameful deed to rue,
No laurels laid in dust.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign on His seat,
That rises without stain;
On which the waves of evil beat,
But threaten all in vain;
Which is the sure and one retreat,
For every subject's pain.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign at His side,
Partaker of His power;
Her empire be no ebbing tide,
Its truth no fading flower,
But ever still more free and wide,
Divine as is its dower.
God bless the Queen.
God bless the Sovereign proved so long,
In nothing found to lack;
May suffering she has turned to song,
Give to her blessing back;
And love, that makes her sceptre strong,
Light all her future track.
God bless the Queen.