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HYMN 13. Another on God's Patience.


Would Man forbear to seek revenge
on such a cursed Foe,
Who strives to Murther him each Day,
and work his Overthrow?


But God waves all advantages
of wrath, and vengeance too;
And, by amazing Patience,
doth daring Man out-do?



The Creature doth disdain his God,
by whom he's cloath'd and fed,
Yet God still spares this rebel Worm,
who by the Devil's led


To fight against his Sovereign
with cruel spite and rage;
Yet God doth still forbear with him,
even from Age to Age.


Fools ask not where th'Almighty is,
but Glory to him give:
Is not his Being most fully prov'd
in suffering thee to Live?


Was he not GOD, he could not bear
such Weights as on him ly;
Weak Mortals soon are set on fire,
and for revenge do cry!


Why should not Patience make us sing,
and God's great Glory raise?
Lord, let thy Patience joyn with Love
towards me all my Dayes!