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The Works of Tibullus

Containing his Love-Elegies. Translated by Mr Dart. To which is added, The Life of the Author; with Observations on the Original Design of Elegiack Verse; and the Characters of the most Celebrated Greek, Latin and English Elegiack Poets

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Ah me! How hard it is to imitate
False Mirth; and mimick Chearfulness create!
When the uneasy Mind enjoys no Rest,
How forc'd the Laughter seems! how dull the Jest!
Ill suits the Mouth, the Smile when ill design'd,
Nor drunken Words express a chearful Mind.
Why do I thus complain? Vile Cares be gone!
Bacchus detests the melancholly Moan.
Fair Ariadne by false Vows betray'd,
While Theseus' treacherous Tongue deceiv'd the Maid:
Unheard you mourn'd, and unobserv'd you wept,
Upon a lonely desert Island left.
Thus Learn'd Catullus, in his moving Strain,
Repeats the Crimes of that ungrateful Man.
But such Examples being known, take Care,
And by another's Grief their Ills beware;


Let none deceive thee, tho' she Fondness shows,
Though round your Neck her winding Arms she throws;
Nor let her seize thee with her Syren's Song,
Nor all the sordid Flatteries of her Tongue:
Though by her Eyes she swears, thy Mind to move,
By her own Juno, and the Queen of Love.
There's nothing in it, Jove at Lovers Vows
Laughs, and in Air the idle Perj'ries throws.
Then why to such Complainings am I led?
Why dwell so long on one perfidious Maid?
Leave me, ye melancholly Words, I pray,
And hence ye dull Reflections far away.
How could I, blest with thee, long Nights employ?
And how with thee the longest Day enjoy:
Perfidious Maid! I ne'er deserv'd this Ill;
False as you are,—tho' false, yet lovely still,
Bacchus the Naïd loves, why do you stay?
With Tibers Flood the raging Wine allay.


Tho' hum'rous the fantastick Maid denies
Her Presence, and conceal'd in Secret lies:
Shall I all Night intreat, and beg and pine?
Not I; here, Boy, come give me stronger Wine.
While round my Locks the Tyrian Odours shed,
I ought with glowing Flow'rs to bind my Head.