University of Virginia Library

Last, all those Nymphs step'd up, advanced bowing
By single turns, and, each their Dish bestowing
That mention'd Table round, beneath retir'd:
During which while, those late dead walls inspir'd
Through soft conceal'd, harmonious Musick seem'd;
VVhence earthly Heaven turn'd, by some esteem'd


Which Musick ceas'd, forth lanching from the side.
The comely Priestess brought of Laurell dry'd
(Mixt Juniper) small Fagot, girdled bound
With Ribbons white, wherewith she stooping crown'd
Their Altar; fir'd the same with Spice and Gums:
That Hand-mayd (Wayting Nymph) soon after comes,
Two beauteous Chrystall Vialls sweetly bearing,
Like-formed, largest-bulk'd; through th' one appearing
White Wine to view, pure Milk that other show'd;
From whose transparant Wombs distilling flow'd
Like Founts, pour'd forth to Vesta, as Oblation:
During which latter Rites, in Anthem-fashion
Those severall Nymphs conjoyn'd from either side,
Did seem to Quire of Cherubins ally'd.