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The poems and songs of William Hamilton of Bangour

collated with the ms. volume of his poems, and containing several pieces hitherto unpublished; with illustrative notes, and an account of the life of the author. By James Paterson

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As over Gladsmuir's blood-stain'd field,
Scotia, imperial goddess flew,
Her lifted spear and radiant shield
Conspicuous blazing to the view;
Her visage lately clouded with despair,
Now reassum'd its first majestic air.
Such seen, as oft in battle warm,
She glow'd through many a martial age;
Or mild to breathe the civil charm,
In pious plans and counsel sage:
For, o'er the mingling glories of her face,
A manly greatness heighten'd female grace.
Loud as the trumpet rolls its sound,
Her voice the power celestial rais'd;
Whilst her victorious sons around
In silent joy and wonder gaz'd:


The sacred Muses heard the immortal lay,
And thus to earth the notes of Fame convey:—
“'Tis done! my sons! 'tis nobly done!
Victorious over tyrant pow'r;
How quick the race of fame was run!
The work of ages in one hour:
Slow creeps th' oppressive weight of slavish reigns;
One glorious moment rose and burst your chains.
But late, forlorn, dejected, pale,
A prey to each insulting foe;
I sought the grove and gloomy vale,
To vent in solitude my woe:
Now to my hand the balance fair restor'd;
Once more I wield on high the imperial sword.
What arm has this deliverance wrought?
'Tis he! the gallant youth appears;
O warm in field, and cool in thought,
Beyond the slow advance of years!
Haste, let me, rescued now from future harms,
Strain close the filial virtue in my arms.
Early I nurs'd this royal youth,
Ah! ill detain'd on foreign shores;
I fill'd his mind with love of truth,
With fortitude and wisdom's stores:
For when a noble action is decreed,
Heav'n forms the hero for the destin'd deed.
Nor could the soft seducing charms
Of mild Hesperia's blooming soil,
E'er quench his noble thirst of arms,
Of generous deeds and honest toil:
Fired with the warmth a country's love imparts,
He fled their weakness, but admir'd their arts.
With him I plough'd the stormy main;
My breath inspir'd the auspicious gale;
Reserv'd for Gladsmuir's glorious plain,
Through dangers wing'd his daring sail;
Where, form'd with inborn worth, he durst oppose,
His single valour to an host of foes.
He came! he spoke! and all around,
As swift as heav'n's quick-darted flame,
Shepherds turn'd warriors at the sound,
And every bosom beat for fame:


They caught heroic ardour from his eyes
And at his side the willing heroes rise.
Rouse, England! rouse, Fame's noblest son,
In all thy ancient splendour shine;
If I the glorious work begun,
O let the crowning palm be thine:
I bring a prince, for such is heav'n's decree,
Who overcomes but to forgive and free.
So shall fierce wars and tumults cease,
While Plenty crown's the smiling plain;
And Industry, fair child of Peace,
Shall in each crowded city reign:
So shall these happy realms forever prove
The sweets of union, liberty, and love.”