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The Poems and Miscellaneous Compositions of Paul Whitehead

With Explanatory Notes on his Writings, and His life written by Captain Edward Thompson. With a Head of the Author, From a Painting by Mr. Gainsborough

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(In Letters of Brass, inserted by a female Figure representing History) on a Marble Pyramid of the Monument of JOHN, Duke of ARGYLE.

Briton, behold, if Patriot Worth be dear,
A shrine that claims thy tributary tear!
Silent that tongue admiring Senates heard,
Nerveless that arm opposing Legions fear'd!
Nor less, O Campbell! thine the pow'r to please,
And give to Grandeur all the grace of Ease.
Long, from thy life, let kindred Heroes trace
Arts which ennoble still the noblest race.—
Others may owe their future fame to Me;
I borrow immortality from Thee.
P. Whitehead.
Westminster Abbey.