University of Virginia Library


Nature, bounteously array'd
Ev'ry Animal she made
With such Arms, as best conduce
To its Safety, or its Use.
Nature horny Terrors spread
O'er the Bull's majestic Head:
Hoofs she gave the gen'rous Steed,
And to Hares the Light'ning's Speed:
To the scaly Kind she gave
Finns, to cut the chrystal Wave:


To the Birds, exempt from Care,
Wings to sport in Fields of Air;
But, to nobler Man assign'd
An intrepid martial Mind.
What had Nature left, to grace
The diviner Female Race?
Beauty: whose prevailing Charms
Prove the most resistless Arms:
Beauty Shield and Sword supplies,
Beauty vanquishes the Wise;
Beauty, made to be ador'd,
Safe defies the threat'ning Sword,
Can devouring Flames asswage,
And repel their desp'rate Rage;


Beauty, makes the Hero fall,
Conquers those who conquer all.