University of Virginia Library

ODE XXXI. To Apollo.

Son of Jove! To thee I pour
My sacred Wine and solemn Vows;
Give me not the yellow Store
Of Corn that on Sardinia grows;
Nor the Wealth that India yields,
Nor Herds that on Calabria stray,
Or the fertile Farms and Fields,
Where Liris eats his silent way.


They who large Possessions boast,
May revel underneath the Vine;
They who trade to some far Coast,
May fill the Bowl with gen'rous Wine.
Let the Gods the Merchant bless,
And give him three Returns a Year:
Herbs and Roots and Olives please
My Taste, as well as nobler Cheer.
Give me Strength and Pow'r to use
The Sweets of Life that glides away;
Let me still enjoy my Muse,
Nor ever doat whilst I decay.