University of Virginia Library


XXXI. A Song of Praises, Collected out of the Book of Psalms.


Ps. 135. 1.

O Praise the Lord, Praise him, Praise Him,

Praise Him with one accord.
Praise Him, praise Him all ye that be
The Servants of the Lord.

47. 6.

Sing Praises to our God, Sing Praise,

Sing Praises to our King.
Praise to the King of all the Earth,
With understanding Sing.


103. 1.

My Soul give Laud unto the Lord;

My Spirit shall do the same,
And all the Secrets of my Heart,
Praise ye his Holy Name.

95. 6.

Come let us Bow and Praise the Lord;

Before him let us Fall;
And kneel to Him with one accord;
For He hath made us all.



He is the Lord; He is our God,

For us He doth provide.


We are his Flock, he doth us feed,
His Sheep, he doth us Guide.

118. 21.

I will give thanks unto the Lord,

Because he hath heard Me,
And is become most lovingly
A Saviour unto Me.



The Lord is my defence and strength,

My Joy, my Mirth, my Song.
He is become for me indeed
A Saviour most strong.


Thou art my God, I will Confess

And render thanks to Thee.
Thou art my God, and I will praise
Thy mercy towards Me.



O give Ye thanks unto the Lord,

For Gracious is He:
Because his Mercy doth endure
For ever towards Me.