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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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SONG XXIX. Silvia.


Fair and soft, and gay and young,
All Charm! she plaid, she danc'd she sung!
There was no Way to scape the Dart,
No Care cou'd guard the Lover's Heart.
Ah! why, cry'd I, and dropt a Tear
(Adoring, yet despairing e'er
To have her to my self alone)
Was so much Sweetness made for one?


But growing bolder, in her Ear
I in soft Numbers told my Care:
She heard, and rais'd me from her Feet,
And seem'd to glow with equal Heat.
Like Heav'n's, too mighty to express!
My Joys cou'd but be known by Guess!
Ah! Fool, said I, what have I done,
To wish her made for more than one?


But long I had not been in View,
Before her Eyes their Beams withdrew:
E'er I had reckon'd half her Charms,
She sunk into another's Arms.
But she that once cou'd Faithless be,
Will favour him no more than me:
He, too, will find he is undone,
And that she was not made for one.