University of Virginia Library


[Man asay and axe mercy while þou may]

Man asay and axe mercy while þou may
In synne yf þou thi lyffe haue ledde
amende the man and be not adrad.
God for the his mercy hathe sprade
Asay asay
For thof thy synne be neuer so ille
Amende thy sylue man yf that þou wille
God will not that þou spylle
asay, asay
For he that the so dere hathe bozste
mercy he wolde that þou sozste
Iff þou hit axske he nayes hit nozste
asay asay
Thy lyffe vn erthe her thus þou spende
Prayng to Jhesu þat þou notte shende
Then ioy and blisse shall be thyn ende
Asay, asay.