The .xxxj. Psalme.
O Lorde
I trust in the alone, let me neuer haue naye:
Delyuer me in thy iustice, when I do to the praye.
Delyuer me in thy iustice, when I do to the praye.
Bowe downe thyne eare to me I saye, delyuer me outryght:
Be my defence and sure castell, to saue me by thy myght.
Be my defence and sure castell, to saue me by thy myght.
For thou art my rocke and sure ground & my defence at nede:
Wherfore for thy names sake leade me, and dryue me forth to fede.
Wherfore for thy names sake leade me, and dryue me forth to fede.
Brynge me out of the net that they haue layed and hyd for me:
Because my myght and eke my strength, remayneth whole in the.
Because my myght and eke my strength, remayneth whole in the.
Into thyne handes I do cōmitte my soule vnfaynedly:
Thou haste redemed me, O Lorde, the God of veritie.
Thou haste redemed me, O Lorde, the God of veritie.
I haue hated all suche men as do folowe vanitie:
But in the Lorde I haue alwaye trusted vnfaynedly.
Of thy mercie I wyll reioyce, thou that lokest on my payne:
And that in my great miserie doeste not my soule disdayne.
And that in my great miserie doeste not my soule disdayne.
Neyther haste shette me in the hande or powre of myne enmie:
But haste set my fote all at large, and at full libertie.
But haste set my fote all at large, and at full libertie.
Be mercifull to me (O Lorde) for I am sore oppreste:
Myne eies dasle, and eke my soule and bealy take small reste.
Myne eies dasle, and eke my soule and bealy take small reste.
Sorowe freateth my lyfe awaye, mournynge bryngth my laste daye:
My strength fayleth through wyckednes, al my bones waste awaye.
My strength fayleth through wyckednes, al my bones waste awaye.
All my foes and enmies haue made, a raylynge stocke of me:
But chyeflye suche in verie dede as of my neyghbours be.
But chyeflye suche in verie dede as of my neyghbours be.
My fryndes & my famyliars haue hated me outright:
And when they sawe me come abroade, they fled out of my syght.
And when they sawe me come abroade, they fled out of my syght.
I was forgotten vtterly, as a man that is deade:
So was I made lyke a vessell, that longe sence perished.
So was I made lyke a vessell, that longe sence perished.
I heard that many blamed me, and layde faultes to my charge
Feare and tremblyng stode aboute I myght not walcke at large.
Feare and tremblyng stode aboute I myght not walcke at large.
Whylse they consulted togither, and dyd theyr wyttes employe:
Howe to inuent awaye to take my pore soule subtylly.
Howe to inuent awaye to take my pore soule subtylly.
But I haue put my truste in yu (O Lorde) vnfaynedly:
And wyth myne herte thus haue I sayde, thou arte my God truly.
And wyth myne herte thus haue I sayde, thou arte my God truly.
Lorde my lyfe dayes are in thyne hand, let me neuer be thrall:
Set thou me free from myne enmies & persequutours all.
Set thou me free from myne enmies & persequutours all.
Lyghten thy countenaunce vpō, thy pore seruant I saye:
And for thy mercifull goodnes, saue me wyth out delaye.
And for thy mercifull goodnes, saue me wyth out delaye.
O Lorde let me not aske in vayne, because I call on the:
But let the wycked haue that shame, in the graue let them be.
But let the wycked haue that shame, in the graue let them be.
Let lyeynge lyppes haue nought to saye, which speake most craftily:
And eke proudly agaynste the iuste, and most dispytfully.
And eke proudly agaynste the iuste, and most dispytfully.
Ryght large are the good thynges that thou dost kepe for them that be:
In thy feare, and that thou dydst in theyr syght that truste in the.
Under thy face thou shalt hyde them, frō all mens conspyrynge:
From the debate of tonges thou shalt hyde them in thy dwellynge.
From the debate of tonges thou shalt hyde them in thy dwellynge.
The Lorde is worthy for to be praysed of olde and yonge:
For notably he shewed me hys mercie in a towne stronge.
For notably he shewed me hys mercie in a towne stronge.
When I fled hastily, I thought, I am caste of surely:
But thou heardst the voyce of my prayer, when I dyd to the crye.
But thou heardst the voyce of my prayer, when I dyd to the crye.
All ye true seruantes of the Lorde, loue hym vnfaynedly:
Whoe doeth defende the faythfull and plage the proude plentuousely.
Whoe doeth defende the faythfull and plage the proude plentuousely.
Be stronge and myghtie, for the Lorde wyl cause your herte be stronge:
So many of you as do trust in hym boeth olde and yonge.
So many of you as do trust in hym boeth olde and yonge.