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The Hymnes and Songs of the Chvrch

Diuided into two parts. The first part comprehends the Canonicall Hymnes, and such parcels of Holy Scripture, as may properly be sung, with some other ancient Songs and Creeds. The second part consists of Spirituall Songs, appropriated to the seuerall Times and Occasions obserueable in the Church of England. Translated and Composed by G. VV. [i.e. George Wither]

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SONG. XLI. The Song of the three Children.
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SONG. XLI. The Song of the three Children.


Oh all you Creatures of the LORD,
You Angels of the GOD most high;
You Heau'ns with what you doe afford;
And Waters all aboue the skie:
Blesse yee the Lord, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.



Of God you euerlasting Powres,
Sunne, Moone, and Starres, so bright that show;
You soaking Deawes, you dropping Showres;
And all you Winds of God that blow:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.


Thou Fire, and what doth heat containe;
Cold Winter, and thou Summer faire;
You blustring Stormes of Haile and Raine;
And thou the Frost-congealing Ayre:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.


Oh praise him both you Ice and Snow;
You Nights and Daies, doe you the same,
With what or Darke or Light doth showe;
You Clouds and eu'ry shining Flame:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.


Thou Earth, you Mountaines, and you Hils,
And whatsoeuer thereon growes;
You Fountains, Riuers, Springs, and Rils;


You Seas, and all that ebbes, or flowes:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.


You Whales, and all the Water yeelds;
You of the Feather'd airy breed;
You Beasts and Cattle of the Fields;
And you that are of Humane seed:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
and magnifie him euermore.


Let Israel the LORD confesse;
So let his Priests, that in him trust;
Him let his Seruants also blesse;
Yee, Soules and Spirits of the Iust:
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
and magnifie him euermore.


You blessed Saints, his praises tell;
And you that are of humble heart,
With Ananias, Misael;
And Azarias (bearing part)
Blesse yee the LORD, him praise, adore,
And magnifie him euermore.