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The teares or lamentations of a sorrowfull Soule

Set foorth by Sir William Leighton

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4. The fourth part.

The repentant sheweth that the Fathers were iustified onely by grace in Iesus Christ: And therefore desireth that his sinnes may also bee couered in Christ his righteousnes: and then (complaining that his prayers are not heard) commendeth himselfe to God, whose good pleasure he still attendeth in steadfast faith & hope.


Ovr fathers Lord were comforted,
steength'ned relieued & blest:

Rom. 4. 5. Rom. 3. 24. Rom. 5. 1.

Onely by grace and iustified,
as righteous men in Iesus Christ.


Impute not sinne vnto my charge,
not for my merrit and desert:

Psal. 32. 2.


Merita vnamiseratio Domini Ber. Psal. 1.

Thou Lord art loue, in loue inlardge,

all those that bee of contrite heart.


Thou Lord full of compassion,
and in thy mercies infinite:
Beare with my imperfection,
and let me in thy lawes delight.


Couer my sinnes, as right'ous take me

Psal. 32. 1.

and right'ous shall I euer bee:

That right'ous am not, right'ous make me
in Christ O Lord cosider mee.


O Lord what can it profit thee,
mee to forsake or leaue in thrall:
As though thou did'st disualew mee,
my dayly cries and offerings all.


Mat. 6. 10.

My troubles yet continue still,

I seeke thee, and am yet denied:
Of earthly blessings, do thy will,
thy name be alwaies glorified.


Wretch that I am, what end shall be,

Iob. 13. 15.

I still complaine, I sigh, and cry:

I cry and call, yet heerest not me,
I still will seeke thee till I die.


Thou mai'st be found, be as thou wilt,

Luke. 23. 46.

Into thy hands I me commend:

Thou full of mercy, I of guilt,
in faith and hope do still attend.