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Emblems Divine, Moral, Natural and Historical

Expressed in Sculpture, and Applied to the several Ages, Occasions, and Conditions of the Life of Man. By a person of Quality

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EMBLEM XXXII. The Cheating Physician.


EMBLEM XXXII. The Cheating Physician.

To Physick Cheats.
The Horsleech hath two daughters crying give, give. pro: 30. 15.
A certain woman being dim of sight,
Thought by Physicians help gain cure she might:
He being sent for, comes, and day by day
Took some part of her goods with him away.
This course he held until the cure was wrought;
For now her sight he had restor'd, she thought;
And thereupon he did demand his hire,
And she therein did grant him his desire.
Then she to look about her did begin,
To see what order all her goods were in:
But when she lookt, no goods were to be found,
Although she looked all about her round.
Stay, stay, quoth she, I am mistaken sure;
My sight I have not as I had before:
For in my house I used to behold
All sorts of Goods and Furniture of old.
But no such matter now that I can see,
Therefore my eyes still surely blinded be:
For were my sight restor'd as formerly,
In every place much Goods I should espy.
Many so much Physicians do attend,
That they thereby do all their substance spend:
For let th'advice be either good or bad,
Be sure the money must by them be had.