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The Blessed Birth-day

celebrated in some religious meditations on the Angels Anthem. Lvc. 2. 14. Also holy transportations, in contemplating some of the most obserueable adiuncts about our Saviours Nativity. Extracted for the most part out of the Sacred Scriptures, Ancient Fathers, Christian Poets. And some moderne Approved Authors. By Charles Fitz-Geffry. The second Edition with Additions

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Transportat. II. The time of his birth. By night.

The light which shines in darknesse comes by night,
Those who did sit in darknesse to enlight:
What meanes the Day-starre in the night to rise?
To shew that he giues light to blindest eyes.
To shew that he the worlds light is, who may
Turne the most gloomy night to gladsome day.
But why doth truth who never shuns the light
Come as a Theefe, in darknesse of the night?
To make both commings, first, and last, t'agree:
For they who him expect must watchfull bee.