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Festum Uoluptatis, Or the Banquet of Pleasure

Fvrnished with Mvch Variety of Speculations, Wittie, Pleasant, and Delightfull. Containing divers choyce Love-Posies, Songs, Sonnets, Odes, Madrigals, Satyrs, Epigrams, Epitaphs and Elegies. For varietie and pleasure the like never before published. By S. P. [i.e. Samuel Pick]

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A Madrigall.

Coy Celia, dost thou see
Yon hollow mountaine tottering o're the plaine,
o're which a fatall Tree
With treacherous shades betraies the sleeping Swaine?
Beneath it is a Cell
As full of horrour, as my breast of care.
Ruine therein might dwell,
And fit a roome for guilt, and blacke despaire.
There will I headlong throw
This wretched weight, this heape of miserie,
And in the dust below,
Bury my carcase, and the thought of thee.
Which when I finisht have,
O, hate me dead as thou hast done alive,
And come not neere my grave,
Least I take heate from thee, and so revive.