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Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonettes

Newly written by Barnabe Googe

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To George Holmeden of a ronnynge Heade.

The greatest vyce
that happens vnto men,
And yet a vyce,
that many comon haue,
As auncient Wryters
waye with sobre Pen,
Who gaue theyr doome,
by force of wysdom graue,
The sorest mayme,
the greatest euyll sure,
The vylest plague
that Students can sustayne,
And that whiche moste
doth ygnoraunce procure.
My Holmeden is
to haue a ronnyng Brayne,
For who is he
that leades more restles lyfe,
Or who can euer
lyue more yll bestead?

In fyne who lyues,
in greater Care and stryfe,
Then he that hath,
suche an vnstedfast hedde:
But what is this?
me thynkes I heare the say,
Physition take,
thyne owne disease away.