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The Knave of Harts

Haile Fellow, well met [by Samuel Rowlands]

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Y'are deceiu'd in me Sir.

A booted Swagg'rer sharking vp and downe,
Met in his walke a silly horse-man Clowne,
That nodding rid vpon a curtall-Iade:
To whom sir Shagge in scoffing fashion said;
What shall I giue thee (fellow) for a foote
Of thy Horse-tayle? the Clowne that listned too't,
Drew backe, and got the stumpe into his hand,
Saying, pray sir, what is't you doe demand?
Marry (quoth he) I aske what thou wilt take
For thy Horse-taile, and price by foote to make.
The Country-fellow holding vp the stumpe,
Sayes; Sir, a match; and if you please, wee'll iumpe:
Because wee two did neuer buy and sell,
Come in the shoppe here, and Ile vse you well.