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Qvips vpon qvestions

or, A Clownes conceite on occasion offered. bewraying a morrallised metamorphoses of changes vpon interrogatories: shewing a litle wit, with a great deale of will; or in deed, more desirous to please in it, then to profite by it. Clapt vp by a Clowne of the towne in this last restraint, hauing litle else to doe, to make a litle vse of his fickle Muse, and carelesse of carping. By Clunnyco de Curtanio Snuffe [i.e. Robert Armin]

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VVhat ayles that Damsell?

VVhat ayles that Damsell?

What, is she sicke? no she is lustie and well:
Yet some thing is amisse, or I am madd.
True sir, but what's amisse thats strange to tell.
None but her selfe knowes why she is so sadd.
Yet men may gesse. True sir, & when th'haue done,
They'le be as wise as when they first begun.
A Iewrie, howe! for we will know her griefe,
Twelue women comes and calles her state in question.
What is she pinde sayes one, wanting reliefe?
Her fatt flesh tels her to haue good disgestion.
For, lesse I be deceiude, this Mayde is shee,
That eates more at one meale, then some at three.
What, is she sullen? No she laughes and smiles,
And that bewrayes her minde is onely quiet.
What, has she wrencht her foote with leaping stiles?
No, she was nere so nimbly fraught with riot.
Yet let me tell you, she hath stept amisse:
Then gently iudge her sorrow what it is.


And is it so in deede: this be her quip,
Giue her her due, and let her feele the whip.