University of Virginia Library



The sky was a blaze; but the forest's green haze
Made our journey a dream;
And torn shadows fell like the fringe of a spell—
Where we watered the team.
The flower-bushes stood—radiant belles of the wood—
In their jewels around;
A grass-forest grew and incumbered our view
Of the hills of the ground.
Sweet rivulets pressed from a mountain's high crest,
Like arrows agleam;
Flowed in beauty and mirth the white blood of the earth,
Where we watered the team.
It daintily flung, silent shadows among,
Bright jewels of sound;
Thus crooning a free merry song of the sea—
Whence it came—where 'twas bound.
There was music to spare in the leaf-scented air,
Where we watered the team;
Chanted robin and thrush, in the half-sacred hush,
Their melodious theme.
And the clear water sung, to the heart as it clung
Of a tree that was prone;
And the horses' soft lips in sweet tremulous sips
Had a chant of their own.
Mid the rest-giving din, a bright chalice of tin
Threw its welcoming beam;
And we drank to the health of this fragment of wealth,
When we'd watered the team.
We were wondering much, as the wave's cooling touch
Through our beings was strown,
If it were not a taste of the stream that John traced
To the depths of the throne.