University of Virginia Library


We have Parted.

We have parted dearest brother,
Perchance we ne'er shall meet again;
But we'll cherish with each other,
The bright links in memory's chain.
Dost remember, dearest brother,
When upon the sunny plain,
We so fondly played together—
How we'd scamper thro' the rain?
Dost remember when with father,
Thro' the grand old woods we'd roam;
Where we'd nuts, and berries gather,
And with ample stores come home?
Dost remember when with mother,
To the grey old church we'd go,
Where we'd kneel beside each other,
As good children ought to do?
And then our loved old school-house,
With its shutters bright, and green,
Shading us from glare of sunshine
Which came stealing in between;
And then our dear kind teacher,
Who's bright eyes would light with joy;
As he looked upon with pleasure,
Some bright, ambitious boy.
But those days have gone forever,
And our sterner duties call,
Us to the post of manhood,
Where we must stand or fall.
But we're parted, we are parted,
Perchance we ne'er shall meet again,
But I know you feel light hearted,
When you brighten memory's chain.
Then let's cherish—fondly cherish,
Those bright schoolboy days again,
When we gaily played together,
On the sunny southern plain.