University of Virginia Library


A Club Sports
Control Board was recently
formed because of what
Student Council President
Larry Sabato claims is an
"increasing number of club
sports and their ever-increasing
budget requests and demands
on University facilities."

The new board which is a
joint committee of Student
Council, the Office of Student
Affairs and the Athletic
Department has the general
functions of:

1) serving as an advisory
committee for the Student
Council and Athletic
Department in the area of club

2) aiding in the
coordination "of club sports
athletic facilities;

3) advising Student Council
in the area of Student
Activities Funds allocations;

4) promoting cooperation
and understanding among all
club sports;

5) and acting as an appeal
board (in an advisory capacity)
to Student Council and the
Athletic Department in any
matters affecting club sports.

Members of the committee
include the President and Vice
President of Student Council,
the director of Athletic
Programs, the director of
Intramural, the director of
Women's Sports, the Dean of
Students and one
representative from each of the
16 club sports.

"Each club sport must
come to realize that there is a
set financial pie and a set
facilities pie which must be cut
and shared fairly among all the
clubs," explains Sabato.