University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

I would like to write of the
deplorable state of affairs of
the Virginia cheerleaders. Our
cheerleaders seem to serve no
other purpose than decoration
at the Virginia Athletic
events. Cheering is virtually
crowd led, and cheerleaders are

Although I don't question
their ability, I feel they are an
institution that drastically
needs change. We have a
pep band, why not have
dancing cheerleaders? The girls
seem to have worked up a
beginning on this, but I guess
the men of the squad still feel
this is too "State U-ish" for
Virginia. This seems to be an
unfortunate vestige of the past.

I have tried out for
cheerleader before, and I found
that, upon attempting an
innovation on a cheer we were
taught, one of the male
cheerleaders said that this
particular cheer was tradition.
That it couldn't be changed.
Funny, but women
cheerleaders were only added
to this university in fall of
1970. A three year tradition?

Again, I don't mean to be
critical of ability. I just think
that the cheerleaders at the
present time are worthless as
far as the students go. Why not
try a little innovation?

Cynthia Goodrich
Col 4