University of Virginia Library

Un-Hurd Of...

Dear Sir:

(an open letter to the Honorable
Mr. William Hurd)

We who are opposed to the
Vietnam War are very pleased
to see that you have had a
change of heart. We commend
you for your statement: "No
one should ever be forced to
contribute to an organization
whose activities violate his
moral, religious, or political
beliefs..." From this statement
we are certain that you are
now opposed to such activities
as war taxes and the Draft.

We are also glad to see that
the fear of being inconsistent
with former beliefs has not
inhibited you from such an
extreme, and we feel laudable,
change. We are sorry to see
that you may be ostracized by
your former cohorts since, in
taking this position, you will
undoubtedly be opposed to
further support of Capitalism
where the many are forced to
support the wealth, luxury,
and immorality of the few who
are rich. To help you along in
your change we now give you
the position of Honorary
Member of War Tax

Dan Williams
Charlottesville War
Tax Resistance