University of Virginia Library

Cleaning Up

Dear Sir:

Carr's Hill Field is under the
auspices of the Department of
Intramurals and is not controlled
by the Athletic Department for use
by varsity sports. It is the home
field of the Rugby Club and has
been, together with Nameless Field,
for more than ten years. The Club
plays five or six matches, involving
75 or 90 members, on those fields
each home weekend. The first side
has a record of approximately
160-49 during those ten years and
has often been ranked as the
number one college side in the East.
In the ACC, though not recognized
as a varsity sport, we play about six
matches per year. We were upset by
Duke two years ago down there,
and we lost a couple of matches to
North Carolina in the middle
sixties. Those are the only losses
since 1964 to ACC teams. Rugby is
also by far the fastest growing sport
in the U.S. In 1965, there were
approximately 200 teams, now
there are over 500. Still we are only
a club sport open to all members of
the University.

Last year when conditions
rendered the soccer field at U-Hall
unplayable, the soccer team had the
courtesy to ask us if they could use
our field, Carr's Hill, for practice
and games "just for this year." We
willingly complied. This year, when
problems again occurred at U-Hall,
the soccer team decided to take
over Carr's Hill for certain matches.
Again we acceded, provided it did
not interfere with our scheduled
matches. In return for this, soccer
goals were placed in the middle of
our practice field several days
before their match and left standing
several days after: soccer "fans"
left the field littered with trash.
(We clean up after each home

Carr's Hill was actually muddier
than U-Hall last Sunday.
Nevertheless, does Mr. Peyton
suggest that the Club cancel our
matches at the whim of the varsity
soccer team?

Jay Waldron
Law 1