University of Virginia Library

Producers Search For Extras

The film scene at the University
certainly appears to be alive and
well, and also growing. Two
students, Carl Erickson and Jeff
Ruggles, have announced their need
for a large crowd of people in order
to complete projects sponsored by
the University's Film Production

Mr. Ruggles intends to add
additional footage to his film
"Marijuana, or High Over Mount
Sinai," which won second prize in
the University Union's Fine Arts
Contest. Mr. Erickson will use all
volunteers as extras in a film,
tentatively titled "Black Like

Both directors have stressed the
desire to have as many people as
possible meet at the University Hall
parking lot at twelve noon on
Monday, May 17. From there, the
film crews will proceed to the film
location on Route 20. For further
information, call Carl Erickson
(295-1211), Jeff Ruggles
(296-3600), or Paul Chaplin

In a related area, two University
professors were recently appointed
co-editors of Virginia Film Notes at
the annual spring meeting of the
Virginia Film Association. Walter
Korte of the English Department,
and Luther Gore of the Humanities
Department of the Engineering
School, will edit the publication,
the purpose of which is to
disseminate news about educational
activities in film among the colleges
and universities in the state. The
newsletter will announce festivals,
contests, and information
concerning inter-school loans of
films owned by the colleges and