University of Virginia Library

Five Committed

This latest signing was the fifth
and final one by the Cavalier
recruiting staff. 6′ 6½″ Dan Gerard,
6′ 7″ Dan Bonner and 6′ 2″ Brian
Tulley had committed themselves
earlier in the spring and, with
Graham, form the nucleus of an
impressive Cavayearling crew for
next year. The fifth player has
signed his letter but the basketball
office is reluctant to divulge his
name until details are worked out.

Graham, co-captain and most
valuable player on his high-school
team, played center for B-CC but
Cavalier coach Bill Gibson expects
him to play forward in college.
Gibson describes Graham as a
"natural forward with exceptional
ability to score and handle the ball
outside". Another plus is Graham's
age: the blue chipper has only
recently turned 17.

Virginia assistant Chip Corner
was effusive over the acquisition of
Graham adding. "In the four
years since I have been here, this is
the best front line we've recruited".
He was also quick to remark that
there is no indication how well a
player will be able to fit into the
program until he has played side by
side with the other members of the