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Dear Sir:

Concerning your recent "Honor
Statement," I wish to state that
whatever students the Committee
consulted in order to gain a view of
student sentiment did not include
myself or any of the numerous
people with whom I have discussed
the matter since the article was

The Honor Code clearly
classifies stealing as an infringement
of the Honor System. The code
does not provide for a system of
graduated offenses; you are either
innocent or guilty. It also provides
only one fate for the guilty,

In this case, where the students
are admittedly guilty, I believe the
Honor Council has not only
misjudged student feeling, but
made a serious mistake in
compromising the Honor Code.

If we are going to retain an
honor system, let's enforce it;
otherwise, abolish it.

Herbert S. Curlee,
College 1

(The above letter was also signed by
six other first yearmen).