University of Virginia Library

Busing Service

Fellow Students:

As many of you are probably already aware, the Student
Council will operate a temporary busing, system this spring
beginning next Monday. We have engaged two buses from
Yellow Transit which will traverse the Grounds from 7:30 a.m. to
5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. These buses will provide
service four times each hour to various areas of the University
including University Hall, Alderman Road, the McCormick Road
Area, the Corner and other vital centers of the University. For the
small fee of a dime a student can virtually ride anywhere in the

This service is especially directed towards those faculty
members and students who live off Grounds and have to fight the
traffic and parking conditions around the University daily. Buses
will leave University Hall at 5, 15, 35 and 45 minutes after the
hour providing 5 minute service between this point and the
central classroom areas. Obviously, the convenience to the
everyday commuters is enormous since the average student
cannot be assured of finding available parking in so short a time
nor can he do so more economically.

Besides providing a service to commuters, students in the
Alderman Road and McCormick Road dorms can use this system
to commute to the Corner, or fraternity members may ride to
Rugby road for meals.

For students wishing to park at University Hall, there are three
parking areas designated solely for the bus riders. These areas are
located in the Northwest section of the lot, near the main
entrance which will serve as the bus stop. All riders are asked
after arriving at U. Hall to please park in the designated areas, and
not directly in front of the entrance. These areas have been
assigned so that once you have parked your car there is a very
minimal walk to the bus stop.

I would like to emphasize that this system is student initiated
and student run and can only be as successful as we the students
make it. If you are tired of the frustrations of inadequate parking
and are fed up with paying traffic fines, you now have the
opportunity to do something about it. Please support us. We are
trying to help you.

Jim Rinaca, Chairman
Student Council Traffic Committee