University of Virginia Library

Second-Billed Group

The last group to play was the
second-billed one, Savoy Brown,
probably due to travel
arrangements. Understandably,
following the Faces they were at a
bit of a disadvantage, but they
managed a set of boogie blues
which was the tightest of the night
— the Faces did have a tendency to
get apart sometimes. While the
music-lovers in the upper balcony
might have considered the Brown
set anticlimactic, the teenyboppers
in the front rows began to dig on
the music, and started dancing in
the aisles and in their seats.
However, Jerry had to come out
and tell them to clear the aisle and
sit down. You see, there is a rule in
the Mosque about dancing in your
seat — it is illegal. If the teenies
didn't stop, "They" would turn
electricity off. The house lights
came on and off a few times, finally
most sat, and Savoy Brown played
one last song.

Leaving, we glanced at several
dogs holding cops on leash.