University of Virginia Library

Must Integrate

And so Mr. Phillips and his
Administration may win this round.
But in time the suburbs will
integrate because they can and
must. And they will if only because
where conscience may not prevail
the arm of law and government will
instead. The work of the terrible
swift sword is hardly finished.

And it is a pity that that sword
will not be wielded as it once was
by Republicans, Republicans like
Seward, Sumner, Thad Stevens and
the abolitionist Wendell Phillips,
who once lived on Beacon Hill.

For if the Republican party
would truly be the party of
individualism and opportunity (and
that it must) it would provide
enough — and for the poor even
unequal — legal, economic and
social opportunity to each
individual to reach the ends of his
individuality — to make, as it were,
every common man uncommon.