University of Virginia Library

36 In 42

I am amazed to learn the players
will present thirty-six performances
in forty-two nights while they are
on tour in the U.S. I am shocked to
find out that they had done the
play for two weeks before coming
over here. I am glad when I'm told
it might be done for three weeks in
London's West End theatre district.
It seems right that the home
country should have more
performances than here.

But what do you think of the
country here? How did you like
Washington? "The Post and Star
forked us over, but not like they
did in Wilmington." It seems D.C.
critics prefer the local troupes of
collegiate acting groups.

If they have such a rushed
schedule how can they see much of
the country, or meet the people
they came to entertain? "Claudius"
tells me that at Williams they have a
four day run, and held open
rehearsals, lead seminars and sat in
on classrooms. I wonder why this
couldn't happen here, but
remember the spotty attendance
that night.

I wander to another half of the
room, stopping to get some punch.
It's a horrifying combination of
grapefruit and pink lemonade. The
little cakes are a in Food Services,
Yummy. Someone is talking about
New York City. "We went to the
Village, but in little groups. There
are so many people and in such a
hurry." They were only in the city
for two days, but have a ten day
run; at Hunter College. "They had a
reception for us in Wilmington.." I
begin to wonder if Wilmington was
the highspot of the tour. "It was
sort of formal, in a ..English
hunting lodge. It was paneled, you
know, that sort of thing. It was all
very...uh.." I smile and think