University of Virginia Library

Sigma Chi Offers
Food For Wrestlers

Seeking to fill a gap in the
University's minor sports program,
Sigma Chi fraternity has initiated a
plan by which two incoming
freshmen members of the wrestling
squad will receive free meals - on
the house, starting next fall.

Until now, no incentive aid of
any kind has been available to
participants in minor sports here.

The program, announced by
Lyle Carr, is being worked out in
cooperation with the team's
coaching staff. The board
scholarships for wrestlers would
continue for "the period of their
endeavors for the University."

When asked if the plan was
intended to help his fraternity
pledge prospective wrestling
champions, Mr. Carr would not rule
out the possibility of recipients
joining the house. He stressed the
main thrust of the program aims at
providing incentive for good
wrestlers to come to the University.

Any fraternity desiring further
information on this scholarship
program may telephone Mr. Carr at