University of Virginia Library

Mentions His Belief

In concluding his letter, Mr.
Wilson mentions his belief that the
policies and actions of the Club are
in "substantial compliance" with
University policy and "in the
best interest of the Club as an
alumni organization." He further
makes a distinction between policies
which exclude Blacks as members
of the Alumni Clubs and the
use of discriminatory facilities by
the clubs.

The response from Mr. Mannix
expressed his disappointment with
the position of Mr. Wilson and
uncertainty as to the importance
which the Club places on the policy
of non-discrimination. In this letter
Mr. Mannix points out that the
decision to use other facilities after
the first of the year was not a result
of the Club's recognition that they
were adhering to an undesirable
policy, but rather the consequence
of actions taken by the Country
Club. He further challenges the
contention of Mr. Wilson that the
policies of the Club are in its best
interests and urges an immediate

A reply to this letter was
received the following day and
states in its entirety that "I am in
receipt of your letter of November
16, 1970. Your views expressed
therein will be given consideration
in due course."