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New Attitude
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New Attitude

Dear Sir:

A Small Proposal! Hardly.
Admittedly the Housing Office was
caught last spring with its pants
down, not having enough University
Housing to meet upperclass demands.
Admittedly it will be worse
this spring. But even the building of
ten new Alderman Road Complexes
will not solve this University's housing

What we need is a new attitude
in Housing. We must realize that
learning divorced from living — and
living divorced from learning — is
not education at all. We must come
to value the residential experience
of college as much as the academic

The Housing Office is responsible
to all University students; its
responsibility is to provide dynamic,
exciting living quarters. A residential
college system, as per Yale,
would be a good start. But first we
need the Attitude — and that's no
small proposal.

Ham Lob
College II