University of Virginia Library

VPP Robers

Dear Sir:

In the days of Masked
Marauders, John Lindsay
and honor
systems, one should not be too
surprised at the outcome of the
College elections on Wednesday.
The album was a good rumor, the
politician was pretty and the other
a tradition that must work. So it
was with the VPP and its victory.

The issues were there, but the
electorate refused to recognize
them. The VPP was once again
elected on its intra-University
politics, many of which,
incidentally, I supported. Thus,
with their resounding victory, the
VPP has its mandate to govern as it
has in the past. And herein, lies the
problem. The student can look
forward to more political
pronouncements with which they
might disagree. There will be
money, literally robbed from the
student on the pretense of
ridiculous "student fees," to
finance publications they might not
want or to subsidize clubs and
groups in which they have no
interest. These are the issues, true
representation and freedom from
theft, nor cars or constitutions.

In closing, I would like to
commend The Cavalier Daily on its
coverage of the elections. I
expected worse. To the VPP, good
luck. To the Jefferson Party, get it
together, men. And to those 177
voters, however sincere, you are
really into something.

You'll still have us to kick

Bruce Karl Tyler
Young Americans for Freedom