University of Virginia Library

Magical Tests

Colleges are not the sole incubators
for individuals seeking answers
to these questions. Our
societal structure merely makes this
age range and environment a
prominent receptacle.

At any rate, many college
students either begin or enlarge
upon an examination of their
power base - of their sources of
power that allow them to function
(for these sources control their
sense of freedom). Family values,
God, friends, grades, money -
personal skills, capacities and

Some of these young people
come to Counseling Centers seeking
assistance with these problems and
predicaments. Some come seeking
answers from us or the magical tests
we are supposed to have (an
extension of the dependence on
external authority). A few seem to
understand that the decisions and
answers are within themselves.

But now to our problem as
counselors: how do we best help
anyone investigate himself, test the
realities of life, and arrive at
behaviors most likely to enhance
his life?